Acquiring Fine Art

You must love art to desire original artworks for your most intimate space, your home. But have you ever wondered what kind of art patron you are? Ponder the following and see where you might find yourself as you visit galleries, art openings, artists studios and select artwork for your collection.

The Collector
Collectors of original artworks use care and discernment when purchasing fine art. They spend time researching the artist, asking questions and often meeting the artist in person. They seek authenticity in the artist and look for consistent or improving quality as well as a unique style. The collector may purchase one or many of the same artist’s works, if they meet the high quality standards set by this most thoughtful patron. While monetary appreciation of the art collection is a goal, pieces are purchased that strongly appeal to this savvy investor. Art may be kept indefinitely or will be resold when market timing is best.

The Art Lover 
The art lover or art enthusiast is similar to the collector, buying only artworks that have a strong appeal to them. They are often ‘taken’ by a piece, one that immediately evokes a memory or strong emotional connection. Like the collector, they will buy one or more of a favored artist’s works, or different artists with similar characteristics (i.e., vivid color or landscapes etc.). However, the artwork that is purchased is a lifetime investment. Lovers of art will find the right place in any home for their favorite selections.

For Home Décor
Art purchased to enhance the style of a home or to provide a more finished feel to a house may overlap or dovetail with the goals of the collector or enthusiast. The primary goal however, is to complement the interior of the home. Original art that has a broad palette will grow and change as the owners move or redecorate. Art that has a ‘trendy’ or highly stylized look, may require replacement if the owner\’s tastes change over time.


“New Works Solo Show”

July 29 - August 11, 2024
Breckenridge , CO

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